11/16/2024 - Ooh baby the site's really coming together now. Finally added a lil navigation bar at the very top in case you wanna go to the different non-movie related pages. I'm SUPER excited to keep working on this site, and I think it might become as much of a pet project as my game GougarQuest (Don't ask.) Do you think it would be annoying if I added a music player? I heard that old MySpace profiles would play music when you opened them up, and I'm kinda mad that more websites don't do that now. Only issue is would it be repeatedly annoying if I just had it autoplay Crush40 at maximum volume. Maybe I could somehow have it at the bottom left or right corner and just have it be optional? Dunno if that would make the entire feature obsolete in that case. Food for thought.
Stay tuned
- Maddie